未來之展望 Our Visions

n       興建嶄新且更具規模之海星國際服務中心,以給予外勞更完善的庇護環境。
To build a whole new Stella Maris International Center to provide a better accommodation environment for migrant workers.

n       進行種族歧視防制宣導。
To carry out prevention and propaganda on discrimination.

n       與社會福利單位或其他國家之關懷外勞團體同步推展人權迫害、人口販賣、外勞權益剝削方面之防制工作,以善盡身為關懷團體之社會責任。
To collaborate with social welfare organizations and international organizations for the rights and benefits of migrant workers 

n       進行人口販賣防制宣導活動。
To carry out prevention and propaganda on human trafficking

n       進行大規模性推廣座談會,讓外勞充分了解台灣勞動權益及就業服務法。
To carry out extensive forum and awareness program about the rights and benefits of migrant workers in Taiwan

n       推展語言華語、英語及其他語系學習班,對象不拘,可為本地人(欲學習英文者)、外籍新娘、外籍勞工等,希望以多國語系做交流對話,建立國人與外籍人士更良好關係。
To push forward Chinese, English or other languages learning classes for foreign spouses, migrant workers and locals, as to establish good relationsbetween the locals and the aliens

n       進行人權教育相關活動。
To carry out educational activities on human rights

n       結合其他非營利關懷團體分享資源、共同致力協助弱勢族群工作。
To collaborate with other NGOs and extend assistance to disadvantaged minority in unison

n       培育人權教育、心理輔導諮詢方面之專業人才。
  To train peer facilitators for counseling project


n      Provide temporary shelter, personal counseling and paralegal/legal assistance to foreigners in distress
     or experiencing difficulties either on a family or working level.

       業受害、性侵害、法律訴訟案、遭遇人口販 運等之外勞,確保他們的安全,維護他們的基本人權。

n      Verify the living conditions of migrant workers through regular visits to factories, dormitories, etc.

n      Accompany and act as support for migrant workers in negotiation meetings with their brokers and             

n      Regular visit to hospitals and detention centers/prisons to provide comfort, support and advises.

n      Cooperate with other NGO’s and government offices to negotiate in behalf of migrant workers in            
      distress on the matter of employment, salary, etc.

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